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Planning Committee


The Planning Committee strives to deliver an annual conference experience that is unparalleled in the collection industry. The annual event is designed to provide a balanced mixture of topically relevant business content, abundant networking opportunities, and exposure to the latest industry related products and services. Our mission is to create a memorable conference experience that promotes, to both members and our business partners, ICE as a meaningful and rewarding industry affiliation.
Lisa Cameron 250
Committee Co-Chair
Lisa Cameron 
ICE President
Committee Co-Chair
Sal Pellitteri
ICE Vice President


Linda Bailis – Inspirada LLC

Lori Caruso – Input 1 LLC

Christine D"Ambrosio - Crum & Forster

Tamela Doyle – Union Standard Insurance

Mary Ann Heenehan – ICE

Gail Mengeling – Zurich
Angita Patel – Zurich

Steve Ruble – Liberty Mutual

Lisa Carnahan – SAIF

Ross Trua – Arch Insurance Group

Gary Woodring
 – ICE



Click Here for Full Committee Details

Planning Committee Goals

  • Successfully market the ICE annual conference as a “must attend” event for business professionals in the billing and collection space.
  • Ensure that the ICE Conference remains the insurance billing and collection “conference of choice” by cultivating win-win relationships between members seeking business solutions and exhibitors/sponsors seeking industry partnerships.
  • Partner with the Membership Committee throughout the year to realize an increase in member attendance at this year’s conference events.
  • Collaborate with the Benchmarking Committee throughout the year to increase engagement and add value at the annual conference events.
  • Ensure that attendees from all lines of business have a professionally rewarding, personally thought provoking, and educationally stimulating experience.
  • Identify external speakers that will engage the full range of conference attendees in an energetic, enthusiastic, and thought-provoking manner.
  • Ensure that first time attendees experience the benefits of attending the ICE Conference through its welcoming environment and rewarding business and networking experience.
  • Maintain a Planning Committee environment that encourages, empowers, and supports committee members’ participation, sense of contribution and personal accountability toward the conference planning process.
  • Consider new ideas, approaches, or agenda configuration to support the interaction that takes place between conference attendees and our ICE Sponsors and Exhibitors.